Needle Felt Skylark Clerk
A character in the ‘Revenge of Cock Robin’ Series
This needle felt skylark, will be playing the roll of the clerk within the story of ‘The Revenge of Cock Robin’
He shall be positioned next to the owl within the woodland court scene, where a ‘void’ stamp will be placed upon the robins last will and testament, in a bid to halt the courts proceedings.
He really was a fun project to work on, as there were so many little additions to be made to create the illusion of him being in office, from his little suit to his desk, which if taken apart and looked into further will actually be some clues as to the eventual proceedings.
There is much to learn, no matter what I am intending on making and this really was no exception. I had no prior knowledge of a clerks duties back in Victorian period, least of all what should and shouldn’t be written into a will.
So for a needle felt skylark to become a clerk and have him, in what will eventually be in a mini court scene, made the whole experience with him a joy to work on, and now look forward to adding yet another little character to the scene.
For extra information one how he was made please see my ‘revenge’ link via my Instagram. alternatively there is more information on my blog.