Needle felt owl
This needle felt owl, will be playing the roll of the judge and executioner within the story of ‘The Revenge of Cock Robin’
He is undeniably one of the most important characters, as he will be orchestrating the flow of the scene itself, which will help the story flow.
Though his part in this story has been written the way I would like for it to be told, I do still want the eyes to wander, questioning what is playing out, as there are going to be hidden and objective moments too.
He really was a fun project to work on and when adding their costumes and accessories they really do start to come to life in front of your eyes.
You tend to learn so much about the creatures or animals you are working on and this was no different, from the colours and meaning of the court dress, to the time periods I love to work with too.
There is much to learn, no matter what I am intending on making and this really was no exception.
So for a needle felt owl to become a judge and have him waving his gavel whilst perched on top of his rostrum, made my whole experience with him complete and will finish all the finer details before he is placed within the tableaux itself.
For extra information one how he was made please see my ‘revenge’ link via my Instagram. alternatively there is more information on my blog.
Needle Felt Bullfinch
Needle Felted Bullfinch
The Town Crier for the ‘Revenge of Cock Robin’ series by Malachai Cribdon
Needle Felt Goldfinch
Needle Felt Goldfinch
Playing the part of an admiral in ‘The Revenge of Cock Robin’ series
This needle felted Goldfinch will be playing a key role within the story I am currently writing, The Revenge of Cock Robin’ He will be very maybe a little to familiarly close to Jenny wren but will leave some of this to speculation. The slightly exposed sealed envelope will hold some of this information but is not to be opened at this stage.
The Ravenmaster
The Ravenmaster
Cased, Needle Felted & mixed media art for the Ravenmaster at the Tower of London
Needle Felted Wrens
Needle Felted Wrens
Based on the story of ‘Who Killed Cock Robin
“Who’ll bear the pall?
We, said the Wren,
both the cock and the hen,
We’ll bear the pall.”
Needle Felt Stoat
Needle Felt Stoat
Handcrafted felt sculpture of a stoat by the house of felts
Needle Felted Rook
needle felted rook
Part of the ‘Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin’ series
Needle Felted Dove
Needle Felt Dove
Another character for the Revenge of cock Robin
Who will be the chief mourner? I, said the Dove, Because I mourned for my love, I’ll be the chief Mourner.