Death of the Sparrow
death of the sparrow
Part of the ‘Revenge of who killed cock robin’ series
“Who killed Cock Robin?”“I,” said the Sparrow,
“With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.”
The Raven
Needle felted raven
Proin facilisis varius nunc. Curabitur eros risus, ultrices et dui ut, luctus accumsan nibh. Fusce convallis sapien placerat tellus suscipit vehicula. Cras vitae diam ut justo elementum faucibus eget a diam. Etiam sodales a sem vitae ferm. Curabitur pellentesque massa eu nulla et consequat porttitor arcu porttitor.
The Fish
The revenge of who killed cock robin?
“Who caught his blood?” “I,” said the Fish,
“With my little dish, I caught his blood.”
In Limelight We Dine
In Limelight We Dine
Needle Felt & Mixed Media
The Stag Beetle
Stag beetle
Part of the “Revenge of who killed cock robin?” series
“Who’ll make the shroud?” “I,” said the Beetle,
“With my thread and needle, I’ll make the shroud.”