Needle felt skylark clerk
This needle felt skylark was an interesting one for me to create and for a few reasons really, least of all because I was in my new workshop, but after such a long time away, it took me a little while to settle in, though things are starting to feel a lot more like home.
This particular Bird I had kind of been putting off a little as I wasn’t quite sure how I would tackle it, I had a perfect image of how I wanted him to look in my head, but he really was a bit of a dictator when it came to actually making him. Some of my work does do this on occasion anyway and can be fun bu, this one really was stubborn.
This is not said because I found him difficult, but just that every direction I wished to take him, I was given a new direction. I originally waned one of his wings to be holding the side of the desk, but the balance was completely off and looked ill proportioned, I also wanted him wear a bowler hat, but his crest just didn’t allow me to do properly with the size of hat I spent a lot of time making for him made for him, but it just kept saying ‘no’. there were a few other instances like this so I just let it happen and wanted to see where it would end up.
After these, and countess other stops and starts, he really started to come through and could see the direction more clearly and everything started to flow, especially when it came down to making his work desk.
I have never made one of these before, but after making a few studies of the ones I had seen and liked, I bought sone ply wood and set to creating one for him. The time just simply flew, and by the end of it there were hidden compartments to quills and inkwells, books and blotters, this really was the most fun I have had with a prop in a long time.
Once he had his desk, i started to finish his clothing, his feet and spectacles. I have always enjoyed making feet, but as with all of these particular pieces, I cannot finish them until they are inside tableaux itself, as some will have bases and or, be firmly attached to the floor/base itself, so will need painting again or other such things, many may get damaged in the process, so I am now just wait patiently for this.
As you can see, every character has job title and roll, and I’m learning a great deal more in the process. this is a time period that captivates me in so many ways, and want this to ooze with Victoriana and Edwardian drama, whilst not loosing touch with the story being.
So with that, I hope you like the Skylark clerk and look forward to bringing another part of the story forward very soon indeed.